Characterization of Deep Geothermal Systems
9-10 October 2019, KIT, Karlsruhe

This workshop aims at discussing new approaches, methods or data in the fields of deep geothermal reservoirs for energy exploitation, with a strong focus on on-going research. It proposes a platform of scientific exchange, especially between PhD students and scientists.
Topics covered
- Assessment of Geothermal Resources
- Exploration of Geothermal Reservoirs
- Constructing Geothermal Wells
- Resource Development
- Energy Conversion Systems
- Operation of Geothermal Systems
- Sustainability, Environment and Regulatory Framework
- Computing and Data Management, Machine Learning
Confirmed keynote speakers
Prof. Dr. Joseph Moore (Uni. of Utah) - FORGE Project
Prof. em. Dr. Ladislaus Rybach (ETH Zurich) - Sustainability of Geothermal Systems
Prof. Dr. Inga Berre (Uni. of Bergen) - Identification of governing dynamics in geothermal reservoirs by mathematical and numerical modelling
Dr. Corinna Abesser (BGS) - A new mine water geothermal research facility: the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, Scotland
Side events
- Geothermal site visit: The Pfalzwerke geofuture GmbH invite us to visit their Insheim (Palatinate) EGS power plant on Friday morning, 11th October
Important dates
- 17 September: Abstract submission EXTENDED DEADLINE
- 24 September: Registration deadline
Workshop sessions
- Keynote lectures: Experienced scientists will discuss up-to-date practices, current research aspects or last state-of-the-art in specific topics relevant to the workshop. Discussion will follow.
- Oral sessions: Speakers are invited to present their on-going work during a 12-minutes talk and a 3-minutes discussion.
- Poster sessions: Posters can be seen and discussed all over the workshop and during specific dedicated time periods. At the end of the workshop, prizes for the best posters will be awarded.