Master's thesis

The master's thesis should show that students are able to work on a problem from their field of study independently and within a limited time according to scientific methods. The scope of the master thesis corresponds to 30 credit points.

Futher information on the Master's thesis can be found in the

information sheet for the preparation of Master's theses.

Registration form




Topics can be requested directly from the departments or are listed on the website of the respective department:


Registration and requirements


Depending on the valid study and examination regulations, certain requirements apply for admission to the Master's thesis (see information sheet for the preparation of Master's theses).

For the admission of the Master thesis the so-called green slip of paper has to be filled in. Among other things, the provisional German and English title of the thesis is entered there. Without presentation of the green slip to the supervisor, the Master thesis may not be started.

Certification of Admission for thesis (green slip of paper)

Together with the respective supervisors, the form for the registration of the Master's thesis is filled out and submitted to the examination board.

Form for registration of the master's thesis



Template for the front page of your master's thesis

KIT Logo (This can be used - not a must.)

IMPORTANT: No external logo may appear on the thesis, even if the work was done in a company. Only the official registered supervisors/reviewers will be mentioned on the cover sheet, all further details can be included in the acknowledgement.

Declaration of Independence

The Master's thesis has to be accompanied by a signed declaration in which the student assures that the thesis was written independently and that no sources and aids other than those indicated were used, that the passages taken over literally or in content were marked as such, and that the KIT statutes for ensuring good scientific practice were followed.

Further information on the master thesis can be found in the declaration sheet for the preparation og a master's thesis.